The Spectator

Husson Snow Day

Seven inches of snow shuts Husson down for a half day

BANGOR — Seven inches of snow fell in Bangor last week, subsequently cancelling and postponing events Husson University had lined up. The BANFF Film Festival was set to have its second night at the Gracie Theater. Husson’s Bangor campus closed at noon, so anything at the end of the day was cancelled.

As the day got colder, the roads got worse with all the accumulation. Husson student Meghan Dube said coming back from work that evening was difficult. “It looked like they tried to plow, but it kept snowing so all they did was sand the roads for traction.”

Plows struggled to keep up, deciding to wait until the snow stopped to clear the roads. Dube also said most businesses she passed on the way back to campus had closed due to weather conditions. “McDonald’s was open,” she said, “I remember thinking that if McDonald’s was closed then people really shouldn’t be outside.”

Journalism Student Advisor, Jeffrey Hope says BANFF rescheduled for Tuesday the 7th. They also changed venues to the Anah Temple Shrine to be more accessible.

Now the issue is how to remove all the leftover snow that accumulated in the campus parking lots. Husson University sent a campus-wide email with instructions for parking bans according to RA Jadae Miles. “The Director of Housing forwarded an email to let everyone know where they’re allowed to park while plows remove the snow,” she said,  “The email even has a map attached so that everything is perfectly clear.”

According to the email, the parking ban will be in effect this Saturday. All cars must be removed from the banned lots no later than 6 in the morning that day, and moved to an approved lot.